Archives for posts with tag: light

As Christians around the world focus on the season of Advent, we’re reminded of the depravity of mankind and the real reason Jesus came to live among us, that the Light of the World could enter into our dark, evil, violent world. Shepherds were left speechless by angel choirs singing praise to the living God, we are left speechless by senseless acts of violence committed against innocents. Where else can we turn, but to the living God in times such as these?

Jesus had some who came to him and asked about the senseless violence around them. In Luke 13 we see that they told him of violence done to worshipers in God’s temple by Pilate, people killed while making sacrifices, and of eighteen who were killed when a stone tower near the pool of Siloam fell on them. While he could have responded by lecturing against the indiscriminate use of power by Rome or for better building standards, he didn’t. Jesus simply reminded those around him of their need to repent, that we will all perish, and not always in a way that makes sense.

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Image: Flandrum Hill

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.  Isaiah 9:2

How do we hold on, in the gathering dark, to the promises God has made us?  To the hope He has given, when word has not yet become flesh, and gift is not yet given?  How do we attune our ears and eyes to the signals that hope is about to arrive?

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